The Noble Truth of the Cessation of Suffering # 1
When the Lord Buddha had finished his explanation of the origin of suffering, he continued with an explanation of the cessation of suffering
Teach Children to Care for Critically Ill Relatives
All those who are living will one day depart from this world, but before they depart, they are usually ill, lying on a hospital bed
Practice of Chastity#1
The practice of chastity is a superb behaviour which means to conduct more strictly in accordance with the practices of Buddhism to prevent the growth of defilements until all defilements are vanished by passing through the processions according to the levels of the mind.
Wat Phra Dhammakaya London Arranged the Ceremony of Offering Sustenance to the Buddha
Wat Phra Dhammakaya London arranged the Ceremony of Offering Sustenance to the Buddha and other meritorious activities in honor of Magha Puja Day
Searching for the Truth
In the Pali language, 'natthi santiparam sukham' means 'there is no happiness other than the peace of mind'
The Four Noble Truths#1
Each country in the world has a constitution as the blueprint for the rest of the laws of the country to expand upon. Similarly, every religion has the teaching which is the blueprint of all the rest of them
A Mind Free of Sorrow.
It’s unavoidable for every one to face the eight worldly conditions except for the enlightened one or the noble one whose mind is kept calm and collected no matter what pleasant or unpleasant objects come to him/her
The Four Noble Truths : 2. Explanation of the Noble Truth of the Origin of Suffering
explanation of the Origin of Suffering includes all four of the Origin of Suffering’s implications in the light of the Four Noble Truths:
The Noble Truth of Suffering : 7. Pain [dukkha dukkha]
The Buddha characterized this sort of suffering as that which makes the mind depressed and dejected
Train Your Mind
At the moment when you close your eyes, temporarily forget the various matters that occupy your mind.